
Full Force Dallas

Dallas T. Washington in full unabashed and hairy force!
keep your eyes peeled for comics, cartoons, and our new web platform!


Dallas, Octopus man & Pentel Pocket BRUSH PEN!

here's a couple sketches I did with my new pentel pocket brush pen and watercolor.

I'll write more on this brush pen later (and some others I've had my eye on), i think it's worth its own write up. But for now, enjoy some drawings. anyone else have one of these fine pens?


Professor So and So

"and. ummm. this, ummmm. Expression shows. and the numerator. uhhh. the same way. because p1 was 22 was 10 and that change... well I guess perhaps, maybe I should multiple these numbers by 100 and turn em into percentages. and ummm. with the expressions of differential calculus this notion notion of a percentage change is ..uhh. that's why we can express this as a derivative of the log of that quality offff...

see me during office hours."

anyone ever had a teacher in their life that tried to blow your mind? but he just blew. period.